Satsumaimo no Nimono


Savory Simplicity : Satsumaimo no Nimono Recipe

When it comes to comforting and nourishing meals, few dishes can compare to the heartwarming satisfaction of a traditional Japanese Nimono. Satsumaimo no Nimono, a delightful simmered Japanese sweet potato, showcases the simplicity and elegance of Japanese cuisine. Bursting with natural sweetness, tender Satsumaimo takes center stage in this recipe, harmonizing beautifully with a few basic ingredients.


Servings: 3-4

Time: 25 min


  • 2-3 pcs medium Satsumaimo

  • 2 cups water

  • 2 tbsp sugar

  • 1 pc lemon


  1. Begin by peeling the Satsumaimo, slice the sweet potatoes into approximately 1/2-inch thick rounds.

  2. Select a pot that can comfortably accommodate the Satsumaimo slices. Add the sliced sweet potatoes to the pot, along with water, sugar and squeeze the lemon. Before cutting into the lemon, roll it on the countertop with pressure so that the juice is loose and ready to squeeze.

  3. Place the pot over low heat, allowing the Satsumaimo to simmer gently. This slow and steady cooking method will ensure that the potatoes become tender and absorb the flavors of the liquid. Let it simmer for approximately 15-20 minutes. While simmering, occasionally skim off any foam or impurities that may rise to the surface.


What is Satsumaimo? : Satsumaimo, also known as Japanese sweet potato, is a variety of sweet potato that is native to Japan. It is highly popular and widely consumed in Japanese cuisine. Satsumaimo has a distinctive reddish-brown skin and pale yellow to creamy white flesh. The flesh has a moist and soft texture, making it perfect for various cooking methods.

This sweet potato variety is known for its naturally sweet and nutty flavor. It has a unique taste that sets it apart from other types of sweet potatoes. Satsumaimo is versatile and can be prepared in both savory and sweet dishes, making it a staple ingredient in Japanese cooking.

Satsumaimo no Nimono exemplifies the art of simplicity in Japanese cuisine. With just a handful of ingredients, this delightful simmered sweet potato transforms humble Satsumaimo into a comforting and flavorsome dish. The gentle simmering process allows the flavors to meld together, resulting in tender potatoes infused with a subtle sweetness and tanginess


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