Uma Shio Kanikama Salad

A Deliciously Salted Flavor Combination for A Quick Side Dish

Are you looking for a quick and easy side dish idea that will satisfy your cravings for something salty and flavorful? I have the perfect recipe for you that combines the delicious taste of Kanikama, imitation crab meat, with the freshness of cabbage. It's called Uma-Shio, which translates to "taste good" with a "salted flavor," and it's bound to become a favorite in your household.


Servings: 4-5
Time: 10 min



  1. Start by cutting the cabbage into bite-sized pieces. Make sure to remove any tough outer leaves and rinse the cabbage thoroughly.

  2. Rub the cabbage with some salt. This step will help to soften the cabbage and enhance its flavor.

  3. Add the Kanikama sticks to the cabbage while shredding it by hands.

  4. Sprinkle the Chuka dashi powder.

  5. Drizzle the sesame oil over the ingredients and season with black pepper according to your taste preferences.

  6. Grind sesame seeds and add it over the cabbage and Kanikama mixture.

  7. Mix all the ingredients together until well combined. Make sure that the seasonings are evenly distributed throughout the cabbage and Kanikama.


What is Kanikama? It’s known as imitation crab meat, and it’s a popular seafood product. Despite its name, Kanikama does not actually contain any real crab meat. Instead, it is made from a combination of ingredients to replicate the taste, texture, and appearance of crab meat.

The main ingredient used in Kanikama is Surimi, which is a paste-like substance made from fish meat. Surimi is typically made from white-fleshed fish such as pollock, hake, or whiting. The fish meat is filleted, deboned, and minced to create a fine texture. It is then mixed with other ingredients to enhance its flavor and binding properties. To create the characteristic taste and aroma of crab, flavorings and seasonings are added to the surimi mixture.

After the surimi mixture is prepared, it is shaped into the familiar form of crab legs or sticks. This is typically done using a molding machine that shapes the mixture into the desired shape. The formed Kanikama is then cooked, often by steaming or boiling, to set its texture and remove any raw fish taste.

The Uma-Shio combination of Kanikama and cabbage is truly a match made in the side dish world. The salted flavor of the Kanikama perfectly complements the freshness of the cabbage, creating a delightful balance of tastes and textures. It's a side dish that will please both kids and adults alike, and with its simple preparation, you can whip it up whenever cravings strike.


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