Gobo no Karaage (burdock roots)


Crispy Gobo no Karaage - A Japanese Twist on Burdock Roots

When you hear the word "Karaage," you might immediately picture golden-brown, crispy fried chicken—a beloved dish in Japan. The term "Karaage" is derived from two words: "kara" indicating its Chinese origin, and "age" meaning deep-frying. In Japanese, it's also associated with "kari-kari" representing the delightful crunchiness of the dish.

Karaage is a versatile Japanese culinary technique where ingredients are marinated and deep-fried to perfection. While chicken is a popular choice, this technique extends beyond chicken meat, it's equally delightful with fish or vegetables.

Today, I will show you a unique twist with Gobo no Karaage, featuring burdock roots. During a visit to a rice farm in Shimane, Japan, I got a special inspiration using rice flour that enhances the crispiness.


Servings: 2

Time: 15 min (+1 hr marinating)


  • 1/2 piece gobo (burdock roots)

  • 1/2 tablespoon sugar

  • 1 tablespoon soy sauce

  • 1/3 cup rice flour

  • cooking oil for deep frying


  1. Brush the gobo (burdock roots) and cut it into strips.

  2. In a bowl (or use a plastic bag), combine sugar and soy sauce. Add the cut gobo to the mixture, ensuring it's well-coated. Place the marinated gobo in the refrigerator for about 1 hours to allow the flavors to meld.

  3. In a separate bowl, place the rice flour. Take the marinated gobo and coat it thoroughly with the flour.

  4. In a pan, heat the cooking oil for deep frying.

  5. Carefully add the coated gobo to the hot oil. Fry for 1-2 minutes on one side, then gently flip and cook the other side for an additional 1-2 minutes, or until the burdock roots turn a beautiful golden brown.


What is Burdock Roots?:

Burdock root is a nutritious and versatile vegetable that comes from the burdock plant. It has a long, slender shape with a brownish exterior and a crisp, white interior. Burdock root is known for its earthy and slightly sweet flavor. It thrives in temperate climates and is often found in areas with well-drained soil, such as meadows, fields, and along roadsides.

Burdock root is rich in antioxidants, fiber, and various nutrients. It has been traditionally used for its potential health benefits, including supporting digestion and promoting healthy skin.

How to Enjoy Burdock Root:

For cleaning, scrub the burdock root thoroughly under running water to remove any dirt. Peel the skin if desired, especially if it's thick or if you prefer a milder taste. You can cut it into thin slices, or strips for various culinary uses. Today I made it into thicker strips, just like french fries.

You can stir-fry, roast, boil the burdock roots. Kimpira Gobo is well-known for its traditional way to cook the burdock roots. It’s normally stir-fried with carrots and simmered in a sweet and savory sauce. Gobo Chips are also a crispy snack by deep-frying thin sliced burdock roots.

Try this recipe, or find your own unique recipe to enjoy this tasty and earthy vegetables, burdock roots.


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