Persimmon and Tofu Salad


Nutty Twist with Persimmon in Tofu Salad

If you're looking for a unique salad, here is a good idea - nutty flavors and the sweet and vibrant flavors of the delicious seasonal fruit, persimmon combined into a delicious fall salad. This Persimmon Tofu Salad is not only easy to make but also packs a wholesome goodness.

Let's dive into the simple yet delicious recipe that will elevate your salad game.


Servings: 2-3

Time: 10 min (+pressing tofu for 30 min)



  1. Begin by wrapping the tofu in a sheet of paper towel. Place a weight on top to squeeze out excess water. Let it press for about 30 min.

  2. While the tofu is pressing, slice the persimmon.

  3. Unwrap the pressed tofu. It should now have a firmer texture. Crumble the tofu into a bowl using your hands.

  4. Incorporate the ground sesame, sugar, and soy sauce into the bowl with the crumbled tofu and gently mix.

  5. Add the sliced persimmon to the bowl and stir the salad.

About persimmons: Persimmons are delicious and versatile fruits known for their sweet and rich flavor. There are various varieties of persimmons, each with its unique taste and texture. These fruits are not only a flavorful addition to many dishes but also offer a range of health benefits.

Persimmons are generally in season during the fall months, from late September to December, depending on the variety and location. The peak season may vary in different regions, but you can typically find them in grocery stores and farmer's markets during the autumn months.

Types of Persimmons:

  1. Fuyu Persimmons: These are squat and round, resembling a tomato. Fuyu persimmons are sweet and can be eaten while still firm. They are great for slicing and adding to salads or enjoying as a crunchy snack.

  2. Hachiya Persimmons: These are acorn-shaped and need to be fully ripe before consuming. When ripe, they have a custard-like consistency and a sweet, honey-like flavor.

They are typically harvested when they have reached their full color and are slightly soft to the touch. The timing can vary based on the variety. Fuyu persimmons, for example, can be picked while still firm, while Hachiya persimmons need to be soft and fully ripe.

Inspiration from Shiraae: This salad is inspired by a classic Japanese dish, Shiraae. It’s a tofu-based salad that celebrates simplicity and balance. The star of this dish is tofu which serves as the nutritious base. And the dressing consists of ground sesame seeds, soy sauce and sugar, creating a harmonious blend of sweet and savory flavors.

By introducing ripe persimmons into the mix, it adds a fruity note, creating a delightful harmony of flavors.


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